I don't think it will shock anyone that I'm a bit of
Syd Parker fan. I mentioned her book in my first novel, I have her blog linked here, I stalk...errr...I mean
follow her on Facebook. What can I say? I dig her work...a lot. She's one of the writers who inspired me (cajoled might be more accurate but why quibble?) to get off my ass and publish my book. The chick is the real deal. She writes a book you don't want to put down and that you'll likely read more than once. Since this is my blog and I have all of...ohhh...ten readers....I get to plug her new books when they come out. I'm a few days late but I thought I'd actually show some decorum and let her bask in the glow of her first few days of a release...for a change.

I've read this book (more than once). I will tell you what I told her: it's her best work to date. She gets stronger and better with every book. I recommend it (or any of her works) even more than my own. As I said, she's the real deal. It's worth the price of a large venti froo froo coffee to buy this book NOW. Right now...click here...seriously:
Did you click the link yet? Hurry!
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